(广州体育学院 运动训练系,广东 广州 510500) 摘 要:对美国北依阿华大学体育课程设置进行考察。北依阿华大学体育课程将体适能作为必修课程、教材内容具有较强的可选择空间和实用价值、教学组织有利于学生的个性发展、重视对学生学业成绩的综合评价等思路和做法值得我国体育课程改革的参考。 |
HOU Yu-lu
(Department of Sports Training,Guangzhou Sport University,Guangzhou 510500,China) Abstract: The author examined the setup of the physical education curriculum at the University of North Iowa in the United States. The ideas and practices containing in the physical education curriculum of the University of North Iowa, such as setting up physical fitness as required courses, providing teaching contents with more optional space and utility value, making teaching organization favorable for the development of student’s individuality, and valuing the comprehensive evaluation of student’s academic performances, are worthy of being referred to by the physical education curriculum reform in China. |