(1.首都体育学院 武术教研室,北京 100088;2.哈尔滨师范大学 体育学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150035) 摘 要:对北京4所高校大学生武术认知现状进行了调研。结果显示,普通高校大学生喜爱武术,但却不喜欢武术课;高校对武术的宣传力度不够,武术在高校普及程度不高;大学生对于武术的认知仅停留在表面层次上,而对于武术的文化内涵了解甚少。应该通过改革高校武术教学,在大学生中普及与推广武术这项优秀的民族传统体育项目。 |
MENG Tao1,LIANG Lei1,XUE Hong2
(1.Department of Wushu,Capital Institute of Physical Education,Beijing 100088,China;2.School of Physical Education,Haerbin Normal University,Haerbin 150035,China) Abstract: The authors investigated the Wushu recognition of college students at 4 institutes of higher learning in Beijing, and revealed the following findings: college students at common institutes of higher learning like the sport of Wushu, but do not like Wushu classes; Wushu is not sufficiently promoted by institutes of higher learning, and widely popularized at institutes of higher learning; the Wushu recognition of college students still remains at the su-perficial level, while their understanding of the cultural connotations of Wushu is not profound. The authors consid-ered that Wushu as an excellent traditional nation sport should be popularized and promoted among college students by means of reforming college Wushu teaching. |