(广东第二师范学院 体育系,广东 广州 510303) 摘 要:加强中小学体育教师继续教育教学设计的研究,有利于做到因材施教,因地、因校制宜,突出培训教学的实践性特点,切实提高培训效果。中小学体育教师继续教育教学设计可分为学习需要的分析、制订教学目标、选用教学内容、设计教学策略、设计成果及过程评价等5个基本步骤。教学策略的设计是中小学体育教师教学设计的核心环节,其主要内容包括教学组织形式、教学方法及教学手段的设计3个方面。 |
ZHANG Xi-qian
(Department of Physical Education,Guangdong University of Education,Guangzhou 510303,China) Abstract: Strengthening the study of teaching design of further education for physical education teachers in ele-mentary and middle schools is conducive to teaching according to different teachers, taking measures according to different conditions and schools, highlighting practical characteristics of teaching training, and effectively enhancing training effects. Teaching design of further education for physical education teachers in elementary and middle schools can be divided into such 5 basic steps as learning need analysis, teaching objective establishment, teaching content selection, teaching strategy design, evaluation of design achievement and implementation process. Teaching strategy design is the core link in teaching design for physical education teachers in elementary and middle schools; its main contents include the design of teaching organization forms, teaching methods and teaching means. |