(1.广东省实验中学,广东 广州 510375;2.广州市第十六中学,广东 广州 510080) 摘 要:以广东省实验中学等5所中学967名16~18岁中学生为研究对象,运用秩和比综合评价法从10项初选体能结构指标中筛选出能有效反映其体能水平的5项指标并赋以权重,建立中学生体能能力综合评价特征模型。 |
ZHENG Qiu-rong1,LIANG Qiu-yi2
(1.Guangdong Experimental High School,Guangzhou 510375,China 2.Guangzhou 16th Secondary School,Guangzhou 510080,China) Abstract: Basing their research subject on 967 middle school students at the age of 16-18 in Guangdong province, by using the RSR comprehensive evaluation method, from 10 preliminarily selected physical capacity structural in-dexes, the authors screened out 5 indexes that can effectively reflect the physical performance of the students, de-termined the weights of these indexes, and built a comprehensive evaluation characteristic model. |