(许昌学院 体育学院,河南 许昌 461000) 摘 要:通过对高等学校与科研院所学位与研究生教育评估所、中国网大、武汉大学科学评价研究中心和广东管理科学院科学学研究所4家社会组织和研究机构关于我国体育学学科评估(排名)结果的研究,指出当前的学科评估存在的问题:评估的目的不同、评估理论研究不足、没有针对性的评估指标体系、体育学科的不同层次采用相同的评估指标体系;参评的对象与评估结果代表性不足;评估结果起伏较大;每年一轮的评估不符合学科建设与发展的规律。 |
LI Hui-lin
(School of Physical Educalion,Xuchang University,Xuchang 461000,China) Abstract: By studying the evaluation (rating) of the science of physical education discipline carried out in China by such 4 social organizations and research institutes as Higher Learning and Research Institute Degree and Graduate Education Evaluation Institute, China Network University, Science Evaluation Research Center of Wuhan Univer-sity, and Science Research Institute of Guangdong Management Science Institute, the author pointed out the fol-lowing problems existing in current disciplinary evaluation: the evaluation organizations have different purposes for the evaluation of the physical education discipline; the evaluation organizations have done inadequate researches on theories about disciplinary evaluation; there is not an evaluation index system established specifically for the evaluation of the physical education discipline; the same evaluation index system is used for different levels of the physical education discipline; the objects and results of the evaluation of the physical education discipline is not adequately representative; the results of the evolution (rating) of the physical education discipline vary greatly; the yearly evaluation is not in conformity with the pattern of disciplinary construction and development. |