(1.中央财经大学 金融学院,北京 100081;2.中央财经大学 外国语学院,北京 100081;3.中央财经大学 管理科学与工程学院,北京 100081) 摘 要:通过对我国部分省市国民体质监测原始数据(共16 160名,其中男7 816名,女8 344名;包括问卷部分和监测部分),按照国民体质监测的原则将研究对象分为农民、城市体力劳动者、城市非体力劳动者3个组,比较分析不同组别男女居民体质和生活方式的差异。研究结果表明,城乡居民在体质和生活方式上均存在着明显不同,女性农民、男性城市居民形态得分最低,男女农民的肺活量(体重)得分均最低,男女居民身体素质排序均为城市非体力劳动者>城市体力劳动者>农民,说明目前我国城乡差距较大,呼吁有关部门加大资金投入,有效地缩小城乡之间的差异,改善乡村居民的生活质量,以达到促进城乡居民养成科学的生活方式和达到身心健康的目的。 |
JIN Ye1,LIAO Xia-yin2,DU Zhuo-fang1,ZHANG Tian3,MENG He-xu1
(1.School of Finance,Central University of Finance and Economics,Beijing 100081,China;2.School of Foreign Studies,Central University of Finance and Economics,Beijing 100081,China;3.School of Management Science and Engineering,Central University of Finance and Economics,Beijing 100081,China) Abstract: Based on the original data of monitoring of the constitution of citizens in some cities and provinces in China (totally 16 160 citizens are surveyed, including 7 816 males and 8 344 females; including the questionnaire section and monitoring section), the authors divided their research subjects into 3 groups, namely, the peasants group, the urban manual laborers group, and the urban non manual laborers group, according to citizen constitution monitoring principles, compared and analyzed the differences in the constitution and lifestyle between male and fe-male residents in different groups, and revealed the following findings: there is a significant difference in both con-stitution and lifestyle between urban and rural residents; female peasants and urban male residents have the lowest score for figure; male and female peasants have the lowest score for vital capacity (weight); the scores for the con-stitution of male and female residents are sorted in the following order: urban non manual laborers > urban manual laborers > peasants, which indicates that currently the urban and rural differences in China are relatively big; it is appealed that related departments should make more investments to effectively shrink the differences between cities and countries and to improve the quality of life of rural residents, so as to achieve the goal of promoting urban and rural residents to nurture a scientific lifestyle and to become physically and mentally healthy. |