(宁波大学 体育学院,浙江 宁波 315211) 摘 要:以宁波大学2006级学生2006年和2007年的测试数据为研究样本,通过对测试数据在新、旧两种评价标准下的比较,探讨《国家学生体质健康标准》评价指标的合理性。结果发现:新标准增大了评价指标的选择范围,提高了新标准的可行性和适用范围;新标准采用百分制,细化了评分标准,比旧标准更加合理、科学;部分评价指标没有充分考虑男女生生理差别和评价起点不一致带来的影响,选测不同测试项目对成绩有较大影响。建议:进一步完善评分标准,减小男女生生理差异、评价起点不一致和选测不同项目对成绩的影响,采用横向和纵向对比相结合的评分方法,按照5等级划分成绩。 |
LI Jian-yuan,WU Qiu-lin
(School of Physical Education,Ningbo University,Ningbo 315211,China) Abstract: By using the test data of class 2006 students at Ningbo University between 2006 and 2007 as their re-search sample, and by making a comparative study of the test data under the new and old evaluation standards, the authors made an empirical study of evaluation indexes in the National Student Fitness Standard, and revealed the following findings: the new standard has expanded the range of selection of evaluation indexes, enhanced the feasi-bility and applicability of the new standard; the new standard adopts the centesimal system to break down scoring standards, being more rational and scientific than the old standard; some evaluation standards fail to fully consider the effects brought by the physiological differences between male and female students as well as by the inconsis-tence of evaluation start points; the selecting and testing of different test events has relatively big effects on the scores. Suggestions: further perfect scoring standards; reduce the effects of the physiological differences between male and female students, the inconsistence of evaluation start points and the selecting and testing of different test events on the scores; use a horizontal and vertical comparisons combined scoring method to sort the scores into 5 grades. |