(1.菏泽学院 体育系,山东 菏泽 274015;2.西南大学 体育学院,重庆 北碚 400715) 摘 要:改革开放30年来,纵观武术教育的发展历程,可以概括为:(1)1978~1989年的武术教育思想大讨论,起到了解放思想、重新认识武术的作用;(2)1990~1999年武术在学校教育中全面推广,期间武术的文化内涵、教学和学科体系的构建成为学界关注的焦点;(3)新世纪伊始,学者们从武术教育的历史入手逐渐过渡到武术的文化教育价值、教育改革、教育体系等方面的研究上来。贯穿这一历程的主线则是武术教育的日益完善与发展。但30年来的武术教育研究却不容乐观:基础理论研究不深入、应用理论研究规模小、研究范式与方法较单一、跨学科与跨领域的研究较其他学科少。研究表明,拓展武术教育研究领域,重视多元化的研究范式与方法将成为未来武术教育研究的趋势。 |
SANG Quan-xi1,ZHANG Guo-dong2
(1.School of Physical Education,Heze Institute,Heze 274015,China; 2.School of Physical Education,Southwest University,Chongqing 400715,China) Abstract: The course of development of Wushu education in 30 years of reform and opening can be in general di-vided into the following periods: 1) 1978-1989: extensive discussion about the ideology for Wushu education, which played a role in freeing our minds and retrospecting Wushu; 2) 1990-1999: comprehensive popularization of Wushu in scholastic education, in this period the cultural connotation and teaching of Wushu as well as the establishment of the disciplinary system of Wushu had become the focal point of attention of the academic community; 3) since the beginning of the new century, scholars have gradually shifted their attention from the study of the history of Wushu education to the study of the cultural and educational values, educational reform and educational system of Wushu. It is the ever increasing perfection and development of Wushu education that went through such a course of devel-opment. However, for the following reasons we are not optimistic about the study of Wushu education in 30 years: the study of basic theories is not profound; the scale of the study of application theories is small; the research forms and methods are undiversified; the trans-discipline and trans-area researches are less than other disciplines. Via their study the authors concluded that expanding the range of study of Wushu education and focusing on diversified re-search forms and methods will be come a new trend for the study of Wushu education in the future. |