(新疆大学 体育教学研究部,新疆 乌鲁木齐 830046) 摘 要:分析维吾尔族传统体育的现状,认为维吾尔族传统体育有民族性、地域性、宗教性、文体交融性、娱乐性、时代性的特点。维吾尔族传统体育的产生途径包括伊斯兰文化传播、维吾尔族礼仪、伊斯兰节日、庆祝活动以及祭祀。维吾尔族传统体育的发展表现在全国民运会和新疆民运会成绩优异,维吾尔族传统体育产业的兴起,收集、整理、发掘、保存和传承维吾尔族传统体育项目,维吾尔族传统体育进入高校,地方文化促进其发展。 |
LIU Quan-fu,ZHANG Shou-ping
(Depatment of Physical Education,Xinjiang University,Urumqi 830046,China) Abstract: The authors analyzed the current state of traditional Uyghur national sports, and considered that tradi-tional Uyghur national sports are provided with such characteristics as national, regional, religious, culture and sport blended, entertaining and time specific. The ways to the generation of traditional Uyghur national sports include Is-lamic culture communications, Uyghur national rituals, Islamic holidays, calibrations and sacrifices. The develop-ment of traditional Uyghur national sports showed in excellent performances conducted in China National Games and Xinjiang National Games, the emerging of the Uyghur national sports industry, the collecting, collating, finding, keeping and inheriting of traditional Uyghur national sports events, traditional Uyghur national sports becoming a course in institutes of higher learning, and local cultures boosting its development. |