(华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510006) 摘 要:综述了评定运动员的机能状态的免疫指标,并从造血细胞的源头骨髓探讨了应激对骨髓髓系细胞与淋巴系细胞前体的影响。今后运动免疫学研究应注重与延迟性肌肉酸痛症等研究的免疫学指标的综合性分析。 |
GENG Qing-qing,HAO Xuan-ming
(School of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510006,China) Abstract: The authors gave an overview of immunological indexes for evaluating athlete’s functional conditions, and probed into the effects of stress on myeloid lineages and lymphocyte progenitors from the perspective of the source bone marrow of hematopoietic cells. In the study of sports immunology henceforward, we should focus on the comprehensive analysis of immunological indexes for the study of delayed muscle soreness symptom and such. |