(华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510631) 摘 要:中国少数民族传统体育活动之丰富多彩,超越了一般人的想象,甚至不为多数体育工作者了解。中国少数民族传统体育与中国汉民族传统体育的“和而不同”,中华民族传统体育作为中国当代体育的重要组成部分的“和而不同”,独具中华人文特色的体育文化与全球体育文化的“和而不同”,这是文化生态链的层层递进,体现当代体育的文化多样性价值。面对中华民族传统体育历来以汉族为中心的主体部分的日渐萎缩,尤其是多年来武术的发展已陷入不土不洋的窘境,少数民族传统体育可以使中华传统体育重新焕发多样化生机,为世界体育的文化多元化作贡献。 |
HU Xiao-min
(College of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631,China) Abstract: Traditional Chinese minority national sports activities are so diversified that they are beyond the imagina-tion of ordinary people, and even not understood by most sports professionals. The “harmony and difference” be-tween traditional Chinese minority national sport and traditional Chinese Han national sport as well as traditional Chinese national sport as an important constituent part of modern Chinese sport, and between sports culture with unique Chinese cultural features and global sports culture, are the gradual evolution of the cultural ecological chain, embodying the diversified cultural value of modern sport. In the predicament that the principal part of traditional Chinese national sport that always bases its center on Han nationality is ever increasingly dwindling, especial that the development of Wushu has fallen into a non-Chinese and non-western situation for many years, traditional mi-nority national sport can revitalize diversified ecological conditions for traditional Chinese national sport, and make contributions to cultural diversification of world sport. |