(1.厦门大学 体育部,福建 厦门 361005;2.北京体育大学 研究生院,北京 100084) 摘 要:主要对周期训练理论、板块训练和小周期训练理论,超量恢复和适应理论,“三从一大”原则,力量训练思路,协调能力的归属等5个方面进行了分析。研究认为:重视训练强度,在小周期和板块训练理论的基础上,不断充实传统周期训练理论;明确适应理论与超量恢复的不同层次性,进一步研究两者所反映的机体的生理变化;合理解读“三从一大”原则,科学指导运动训练;转变传统力量训练观念,引进新的力量训练思维,积极发展专项力量;正确定位协调能力的归属,通过综合手段发展运动员的协调能力。 |
JIAO Fang-qian1,HUANG Jing-dong1,LI Han-ru2
(1.Departmene of Physical Education,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005,China;2.Postgraduate College,Beijing Sport University,Beijing 100084,China) Abstract: The authors mainly analyzed controversial issues in such five aspects as periodical training theory, sec-tional training and short periodical training theory, overload recovery and adaptation theory, “three-compliance and one-major” principle, ideas for strength training, and attribution of coordination power, and drew the following con-clusions: we should pay attention to strength training, constantly add new contents to the periodical training theory; clarify differences between the adaptation theory and overload recovery, further study the physiological changes of the body reflected by both; rationally interpret the “three-compliance and one-major” principle, guide sports training scientifically; change traditional strength training conceptions, introduce new ideas for strength training, develop event specific strength actively; define the attribution of coordination power correctly, and develop the coordination power of athletes via comprehensive means. |