(河北体育学院 民族传统体育系,河北 石家庄 050041) 摘 要:通过对我国跆拳道运动员在2006年全国跆拳道锦标赛中贴靠技术应用情况的调查发现:习惯性的贴靠技术使用过多,造成跆拳道比赛不精彩、不激烈;贴靠后无攻防意识的休息多、等待多;贴靠后的被动分开多,后续技术使用少、得分少等。 关键词:跆拳道;2006年全国跆拳道锦标赛;第十五届亚运会选拔赛;贴靠技术;中国 中图分类号:G886.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2007)04-0058-03 |
GAO Zhi-hong
(Department of Traditional Physical Education,Hebei Institute of Physical Education,Shijiazhuang 050041,China) Abstract: By investigating the application of this technique by Chinese kickboxing players in National Kickboxing Championships 2006, the author revealed the following findings: Habitual close leaning technique was excessively used, which makes kickboxing competition less spectacular and intensive; there was too much rest and waiting without offensive and defensive consciousness after close leaning; there were too much passive breakup after close leaning, too little application of follow-up techniques, and too few scores. |