(1.华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510631;2.广东技术师范学院 体育教学部,广东 广州 510665) 摘 要:调查男女大学生板鞋运动员身体形态及体能特征。受试者为大学生板鞋运动员18名(男、女各9名)。身体形态测定项目包括身高、体质量、腰围、臀围、WHR(腰围/臀围)、上臂围、大腿围、体脂肪率以及LBM等指标。体力测定包括最大无氧能力、最大吸氧量(VO2max)、血乳酸(La)、心率(HR)及运动成绩等指标。研究结果发现,大学生板鞋运动员的身体形态各指标的特征、最大血乳酸浓度、VO2max,与同年龄同性别的体育系大学生比较没有明显的差异。但是大学生板鞋运动员的无氧功率,与同年龄同性别的体育系大学生比较有明显的差异。大学生板鞋运动员的VO2max和最大无氧能力都存在性别的差异。以上结果表明,大学生板鞋运动以乳酸供能为主,建议采用最大无氧功率评定板鞋运动员的最大无氧能力,这对板鞋运动员的选材和专项运动能力的评定具有重要的意义。 |
CAI Chun-hua1,XIAO Guo-qiang1,LIANG Wen-min2
(1.College of Physical Education,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631,China;2.Department of Physical Education,Guangdong Polytechnic Normal Institute,Guangzhou 510665,China) Abstract: By measuring the body shape indexes of 9 male and 9 female college board-shoe players, such as body height, body mass, waistline, hip circumference WHR (waistline/hip circumference), upper-arm circumference, thigh circumference, body fat radio and LBM, and their physical strength indexes, such as maximum anaerobic ca-pacity, maximum oxygen intake (VO2max), blood lactic acid, heart rate (HR) and sports performance, the authors investigated the characteristics of the body shape and physical strength of the male and female college board-shoe players, and revealed the following findings: There is no significant difference between various body shape indexes, maximum blood lactic acid and VO2max of the college board-shoe players and those of college students at the same age and with the same gender in the physical education department; however, there is a significant difference be-tween the anaerobic power of the college board-shoe players and that of college students at the same age and with the same gender in the physical education department; there is a sexual difference in both VO2max and maximum anaerobic capacity between the college board-shoe players. The said findings indicate that lactic acid is mainly de-pended on to provide energy for the college board-shoe game. It will be significantly meaningful for the selection of board-shoe players and the evaluation of their specialized athletic capacity to use maximum anaerobic power to evaluate the maximum anaerobic capacity of board-shoe players as suggested by the authors. |