(国家体育总局,北京 100061) 摘要:在相当长一段历史时期,人们更注重研究发展的意义,近些年才比较关注发展的代价。我们应当以历史唯物主义和辩证唯物主义的眼光看待体育的发展与代价问题。体育的发展要坚持可持续发展观,主张从必然性代价和人为性代价两方面去判断代价的合理性。 关键词:体育可持续性发展; 体育发展代价; 必然性代价; 人为性代价 中图分类号:G80 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2005)01-0001-03 |
XIE Qiong-huan
(State Sport General Administration of China,Beijing 100061,China) Abstract: People have paid more attention on the benefits of developing rather than the cost of developing for a long time. The developing of sport and its cost should be analyzed according to the view of both historical materialism and dialectical materialism. The developing of sport should be a kind of sustained development, and both its inevitable cost and its man-made cost should be taken into consideration while the rationality of its cost is judged. Key words: sustained development of sport; developing cost of sport; inevitable cost; man-made cost |