(武汉体育学院 运动训练学教研室,湖北 武汉 430079) 摘要:以市场营销学的理论为基础,确定了我国夏季奥运项目营销市场大小的因素是观众人口、购买力和购买愿望,并对这些指标进行了细分。通过最后确定的指标制成调查问卷对2 500名一般消费者进行调查聚类后认为,市场程度高的项群包括7个具体项目,市场程度一般项群包括10项目,市场程度低的项群有9个。专家、学者的调查结果验证了这些结果。3类项群各有市场特征。 关键词:夏季奥运项目; 营销市场; 项群分布 中图分类号:G811.211 文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2005)01-0032-03 |
PENG Yi-hai
(Teaching and Research Office of Sports Training,Wuhan Institute of Physical Education,Wuhan 430079,China) Abstract: Based on the theory of market marketing,the author determined that the factors that affected the magnitude of the marketing market of the events of summer Olympic Games to be held in our country were audience population,purchase power and purchase desire, which were further subdivided. Having carried out a survey on 2,500 consumers through questionnaires established according to the indexes finally determined, and having sorted the results from the survey, the author considered that the event group with large market scale included 7 specific events, and that the event group with medium market scale included 10 events,and that the event group with small market scale included 9 events. These results have been verified by the results of surveys carried out by exports and scholars.Each of the three events has some common market characteristics itself. Key words: events of Summer Olympic Games; marketing market; even group distribution |