(福建师范大学 体育科学学院,福建 福州 350007) 摘要:《体育(与健康)课程标准》的推行对体育教师提出了新的挑战,体育教师要适应课改的新形势,就必须完成角色的转换。基础教育改革与高校教师培养的质量息息相关,因此这实际上也是对高校体育教育专业教学改革提出了新的要求。新推出的我国高校体育教育本科专业课程方案给予高校更大的自主权,各高校在实施方案时应根据当前新课程改革的需要,构建合理的课程体系,在教学过程中不断更新教学内容,努力改革教学方法,注重培养学生的创新精神和自学、研究、反思能力。 关键词:体育课程标准; 体育教育专业; 教学改革 中图分类号:G807.02;G807.4文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2005)01-0074-04 |
CHEN Jun-qin, MEI Xue-xiong, ZHANG Han-jing, FENG Dong-mei
(College of Physical Education,Fujian Teachers University,Fuzhou 350007,China) Abstract: The implementation of Course Standard of PE brought about new challenges for PE teachers. PE teachers should change the role to fit for the new situation of course reform.The reform of basic education has the close relation with the quality of the education of college and university teachers.So in fact it also gives new demand for the teaching reform of PE major of college and university. The new plan of PE undergraduate course gives college and university more power of self-decision. Each college and university should adapt to the demand of present new curriculum reform when carry out plan, and construct reasonable curriculum system; update teaching content consistently during the course of teaching; reform the teaching methods; pay attention to foster the students’ innovative spirit and self-teaching,study and self-questioning ability. Key words: course standard of PE; PE major; teaching reform |