(辽宁师范大学 体育学院,辽宁 大连116029) 摘要:当前中国正处在经济转轨和社会转型的历史性变革时期 ,在这个特殊的过渡时期,人民大众的价值观念与生活理想有了很大的转变,人们对健康的 关注程度较以前有了很大的提高。作为一种特殊的社会文化活动,体育已经远远超越了强身 健体的功能范畴,取而代之的是“塑人育心”和储积精力的功能。体育的人文价值被逐渐认 识和开发,进而成为人们精神追求和价值追求的一项重要内容。 关键词:社会转型; 大众体育; 塑人育心; 体育功能 中图分类号:G811.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2005)03-0037-03 |
YU Wen-qian, WANG Xiao-yuan
(College of Physical Education,Liaoning Normal University,Dalian 116029,China) Abstract: China is currently in a historical revolution period for economic transformation and social transition. In this special transition period, people’s views of value and ideals for life have changed greatly, and people have showered much more attention to health than ever before. As a special social culture activity, sports has functions that are much more superior to physical exercising, namely, the functions of “body building and mind constructing” as well as energy accumulating. The humanistic value of sports is being recognized and developed gradually, and will thus become an important part of people’s pursuit in terms of spirit and value. |