(1.广州体育学院 体育社会科学系,广东 广州510075; 2.广 东省体育局 群体处,广东 广州510105) 摘要:运用抽样调查、个案研究和实地考查,对广东省4个山 区县的群众体育工作进行调查研究,结果显示,广东省经济欠发达县区体育管理机构比较健 全、体育场地设施有一定的基础、群众体育活动有计划地开展。存在的主要问题是:发展体 育事业的资源严重不足、群众体育意识淡薄和体育手段单一、群众体育的组织化和经常化 程度低,据此提出了6项发展对策。 关键词:群众体育; 经济欠发达地区; 体育资源; 广东省 中图分类号:G8124 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2005)04-0040-03 |
ZHANG Hong1, XU Guo-xun2
(1.Department of Sports Social Science,Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education,Guangzhou 510075,China;2.Section of Mass Sports,Guangdong Sport Council, Guangzhou 510105,China) Abstract: Exercising sampling investigation, case study and on-site examination,the authors carried out a survey and research on mass sports work carried out in 4 mountainous counties in Guangdong province, and revealed the following findings:In economy underdeveloped counties in Guangdong province,management mechanism is relatively complete and sound;sports fields and facilities have formed a certain scale;mass sports activities are being developed as planned. Main problems existed are the followings:The resources to develop sports undertaking are seriously inadequate;sports consciousness of the masses is weak; sports means are lack of diversity;mass sports are poorly and not regularly organized.The authors worked out 6 measures for development based on the findings above. |