(浙江师范大学 体育学院,浙江 杭州321004) 摘要:现代的教学设计与传统的备课有许多相通之处,“大纲 时代”存在的种种局限,是多因素交互作用而造成的,并不都是传统体育教学“备课”这一 因素引发的;教学设计的优势在于系统性与创造性,如何设计符合“体育与健康课程标准” 的教学系统和教学方案,是一项亟待解决的课题。 关键词:新课程理念; 体育教学设计; 学术探讨 中图分类号:G807.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2005)04-0092-03 |
WANG Zhang-ming
(College of Physical Education,Zhejian Normal University,Hangzhou 321004,China) Abstract: Modern teaching design has much in common with traditional lesson preparation. Various limitations existed in the “age of syllabus” are caused by the interaction of multiple factors but not all incurred by the single factor of “lesson preparation” in traditional PE teaching. The advantage of teaching design lies in that it is systematic and creative. It is a pending question how to design a teaching system and a teaching scheme which meet the “Standard for Sport and Health Curriculum”. |