(襄樊学院 体育系,湖北 襄樊 441053) 摘要:以中国期刊全文数据库检索系统(CNKI)为工具,对1994年以来我国学校体育主要研究领域的体育教学、体育课、体育师资、体育教材、体育评价、学校课外体育和中外学校体育比较研究等7个方面进行检索,对典型资料进行剖析。结果表明:体育教学论文数量最多,涉及面广,观点百花齐放;体育课研究的类型、结构、组织、评价与教学目标相对应;体育师资队伍建设论文向宽知识、强能力、高素质要求发展;体育评价论文向人性化、综合化转变;体育教材研究呈滞后状态;课外体育研究与社会体育接轨不够;中外学校体育比较研究显得薄弱。 关键词:学校体育; 科学研究; 科研论文 |
ZHOU Hong-ping
(Department of Physical Education,Xiangfan Institute,Xiangfan 441053,China) Abstract: The author used Full Text Database Search System for Periodicals in China (CNKI) as a tool to search and analyze typical data in 7 aspects in major research areas of physical education in schools in China since 1994,namely, PE teaching,PE curriculum, PE teacher,PE textbook,physical education & evaluation,extracurricular sports in school,and comparative research of physical education in schools in China and foreign countries.The results revealed the followings: The theses on PE teaching have the largest quantity, involving extensive areas and comprehensive opinions;the type, structure,organization and evaluation of research on PE curriculum correspond with teaching objectives; the theses on the construction of PE teaching team were developing toward the requirements for broader field of knowledge,stronger capability and higher quality;the theses on physical education & evaluation were becoming more humanized and comprehensive;the research on PE textbook was falling behind the demand;the research on extracurricular sports was not adequately connected to social sports;the comparative research on physical education in schools in China and foreign countries was inadequate. |