(1.中南大学 体育部,湖南 长沙410075; 2.上海体育学院 教 务处,上海200438) 摘要:以2004年全国第七届大运会排球比赛中采用大力跳发球 的运动员为研究对象,通过问卷调查对影响大力跳发球运动员的心理因素进行了分析,结果 发现压力、情绪、注意力和比赛环境等对大力跳发球有影响,而压力的影响最大。 关键词:排球运动; 大力跳发球; 心理状态 中图分类号:G80486;G842 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2005)04-0050-03 |
JIANG Zhong-jun1, DING Hai-yong2
(1.Department of Physical Education,Central-South University,Changsha 410075,China;2.Dean's Office,Shanghai Institute of Physical Education,Shanghai 200438,China) Abstract: Taking volleyball powerful jump servers performed in volleyball games in the Seventh National Games for College Students in 2004 as their research objects,the authors analyzed,through questionnaire survey,the psychological factors that affect volleyball powerful jump servers,and revealed that pressure,mood,focus and game environment play a role in volleyball powerful jump serves,and the effect of pressure is the greatest. |