(汕头大学医学院 体育教研室,广东 汕头515031) 摘要:从文化学的三个层次(器物层、制度层、观念层)的视 角对汕头市成年女性体质健康状况进行分析,认为汕头女性受到潮汕传统文化的价值观念、 伦理道德、生活习俗的束缚,以及社会与家庭的双重角色的冲突,影响她们参加体育活动的 热情,进而影响她们的体质状况。 关键词:成年女性; 体质健康; 文化学分析; 汕头市 中图分类号:G80 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2005)04-0136-03 |
XU Yi-hong, ZHU Yu-fang
(Department of Physical Education,Medical College of Shantou University,Shantou 515031,China) Abstract: The authors analyzed the physical health conditions of adult females in Shantou city from the perspective of three stratums (material stratum,system stratum and conception stratum) of cultural science,and drew the following conclusions: Subject to the restriction of worthiness conception,ethical morality and living custom of Chaoshanese traditional culture,as well as the conflict of dual roles as in society and family,Shantou women's enthusiasm for participating in sports activities is affected,thus their physical conditions are affected. Key words:adult females; physical health; analysis of cultural science; Shantou city |