(1.山东体育学院 基础部,山东 济南 250063; 2..华东师范大学 体育与健康学院,上海200062) 摘要:提高峰值骨量是预防骨质疏松的重要措施,其中,体育锻炼是提高峰值骨量的重要方式。少儿时期进行体育锻炼对提高峰值骨量起到关键作用,但不同的运动方式对峰值骨量的作用效果不同。目前研究认为运动影响峰值骨量的机制主要是力学控制,其次是生物因素,但运动影响峰值骨量的具体信号转导机理还有待于进一步研究。 关键词:运动; 峰值骨量; 骨质疏松; 文献综述 中图分类号:G804.4文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2004)04-0046-03 |
GAO Li-1, XU Hao-wen2, SHEN Dong-ying1
(1Basic Department,Shandong Institute of Physical Education, Jinan 250063,China;2College of Physical Education and Health,East China Normal University,S hanghai 200062,China) Abstract: To increase the peak bone amount is very important for preve nting osteoporosis.Exercise is one of the useful measures to increase the peak bone amount.However,different exercise modes have different effect on the peak bone amount.Nowadays some investigations suggest that the mechanism of exercis e influence on peak bone amount is mainly mechanostat, and then is biological fa ctors.Yet,more research is needed to study the signal transferring process. Key words: exercise; peak bone amount; osterporosis;literature summorize |