(华南师范大学 幼儿园,广东 广州510631) 摘要:分析了当前幼儿教育中存在着“重智轻体”的错误倾向。论述了体育游戏在幼儿素质教育中的重要地位,并据此提出了在幼儿体育游戏中实施素质教育的对策。 关键词:幼儿教育; 体育游戏; 素质教育 中图分类号:G613.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2003)04-0111-03 |
WU Xie-ling
(Kindergarten,South China Normal University,Guangzhou 510631,China) Abstract:The paper pointed out the wrong tendency in current infant education and the important role of the sports games in infant equality education. The paper also suggested the way to carry out the equality education through sports games. |