(武汉体育学院 运动生理教研室,湖北 武汉 430071) 摘要:PALIER测试能够较好评定足球运动员的最大有氧能力。尼尔通作为外源性磷酸肌酸能有效提高最大有氧能力,其作用机理是通过供给心肌及骨骼肌细胞代谢所需要的能量和促进膜稳定作用及改善组织微循环等功效来实现的。 关键词: PALIER测试;最大有氧能力;外源性磷酸肌酸 中图分类号: G843.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2003)04-0053-04 |
ZHANG Li, YANG Shan-song
(Section of Sports Physiology, Wuhan Institute of Physical Education, Wuhan 430071,China) Abstract:Palier Test is a good indicator for evaluating maximal aerobic capacity of footballer. Exogenous creatine Phosphate can be widely utilized for promoting maximal aerobic capacity by supplying the energy to cardiac and skeletal muscles and improving microcirculation of muscle and protecting the membrane of cells during intensive exercise. |