(华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州510631) 摘要:为探索太极拳运动对中老年人健身防病的作用,测定了长期坚持太极拳运动的中老年知识分子锻炼组与非锻炼组血脂、脂蛋白代谢等指标的变化情况。结果表明:常年坚持太极拳运动可降低血脂、改善脂类代谢,预防心血管疾病的发生,从而起到延缓衰老的作用。 关键词:太极拳; 中老年人; 血脂; 脂蛋白代谢 中图分类号: G852.11文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2003)06-0061-02 |
ZHAO Hai-jun, NIU Xiao-mei
(College of Physical Education,South China Normal University ,Guangzhou 510631,China) Abstract: To explore effects of taichichuan exercise on body-building,the present study determines indices on plasma lipid,lipoprotein metabolism at midddle and old aged intellectuals between physical exercise guoup and non-physical exercise group.Results show that it can decrease plasma lipid, improve lipid metabolism,prevent cardiovascular disease to adhere to Taichichuan in middle and old aged. |