(华南农业大学 体育部,广东 广州 510642) 摘 要:养生调息运动能增强人体生物电流,提高机体活性,改善机体体质;还能使大脑各区域脑电波趋向同步,脑细胞电磁活动高度有序化,能量消耗降低,效能提高;能使神经传导加快,电传导加快,电子流动加速与氧结合加快,三磷酸腺苷(ATP)产生增多,能量贮备增加,机体机能增强;能加快氧化呼吸链的电子传递(电子流动,线粒体)。在调息状态中,机体的细胞处于激发状态,因而能量较高的受激生物分子能以生物辐射的形式释放能量,起到激活其他生物分子的作用(给线粒体充电的作用),形成自发辐射和受激辐射结合的“生物场” ,而 “生物场” 的辐射正是藉以维持人体生命活动的源泉和机体自我修复功能,使机体得到增强。 关键词:养生调息运动; 生物电; 神经传导 中图分类号:G804.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2003)01-0073-02 |
XIE Rong-hua, MAI Yue-hui, CHEN Hai-yan
(Department of Physical Education, South China Agricultural University,Guangzhou 510642,China) Abstract: Deep breathing exercises can strengthen the bioelectric current of human body, improve its activity and promote people's constitution; They can make brain waves synchronous and the electromagnetic activity of brain cells highly ordered and therefore reduce energy consumption and increase efficiency; They can speed up nervous conduction and electric conduction and yield more ATP and reserve more energy and therefore improve the body's mechanism; They can also stimulate the cells of the body and in such a simulated state a bioelectric field is formed which plays the very function of maintaining the source of human activity and body's self-repairing. Key words: deep breathing exercises; bioelectricity; nervous conduction |