(郧阳师范高等专科学校 体育系,湖北 丹江口 442700) 摘 要:查阅1982~2001年有关运动猝死的大量文献发现,猝死发生率男性多于女性,30岁以下为高峰,死亡原因以心肌梗死、先天性心脏病和心肌炎等心源性猝死最为多见,脑源性猝死在运动中时有发生;猝死最常见的运动项目有径赛、篮球、排球、足球和慢跑等。关键词:运动猝死; 猝死病因; 猝死预防 中图分类号:G80;R87 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2003)01-0067-03 |
WANG Xue-nong
(Department of Physical Education,Yunyang Teachers College, Danjiangkou 442700,China) Abstract: The paper analyzed a lot of articles which from 1982 to 2001 about the Exercise-related sudden death.The results show: the ERSD is mostly seen in the male, with a peak at age between 15-20 years old. As to the cause of death, the main cause was sudden cardiac death, such as myocardial infarct, congenital heart disease and myocarditis , while brain storm also occurred during exercise. The most common sports events involved were running events, basketball, volleyball, football and jogging. Key words: exercise-related sudden death; related sudden death etiology; related sudden death prevention |