(华东师范大学1体育与健康学院;2.商学院,上海200062) 摘要:提出一种兼具资金投入和退出两种功能的方式:在体育项目这种资产基础上的资产证券化,以期为体育产业的发展引入一种新观念。在分析体育产业资产证券化的含义和特点的基础上,着重讨论了体育场馆建设收费权资产证券化的条件、操作程序以及引进外资的“离岸模式”,并提出体育场馆建设收费权资产证券化实施过程中应注意的问题。 关键词:资产证券化; 收费权; 体育产业 中图分类号:G80-05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2003)06-0020-03 |
NI Gang1, SUN Fang2, CHEN Li-juan1
(1.College of Physical Education & Health; 2.Business School,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200062,China) Abstract: Here we put forward a new way to attract private capital into the investment of physical culture,at the same time maintain the ownership of state.Some issues including ABS for right of charge in stadium, the operation and the foreign capital importing are studied in the paper. |