(华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510631) 摘要:九运会是21世纪我国的首次竞技体育大比武,促使了广州市民的健身意识不断增强,健身活动正在成为市民现代生活的一部分,成为一种社会时尚;九运会给广州及各地的全民健身运动注入了资金和活力,场馆建设迈进了一大步,大众健身活动蓬勃发展;九运会营造了一种体育文化氛围,影响着市民的体育观念和体育行为;九运会有效地促进了市政建设、交通便利、环境改善,使整个城市焕然一新。 关键词:九运会;全民健身;社会效应;体育资金 中图分类号: G812.765 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2003)04-0045-03 |
LI Wei, LU Yuan-zhen, CHEN Bao-ling, LI Qing-hui, GONG Quan
(Institute of Physical Education,South Normal University,Guangzhou 510631,China) Abstract:Ninth National Games, which is the first competition of athletics in the 21st century in China, has enhanced the citizens' consciousness of keeping fit.Taking exercises has becoming a particular part of the citizens' modern life,and it is very much in fashion.Ninth National Games has provided both funds and vitality for the mass sports activities in Guangzhou and other regions.Further development has been made in stadium and gymnasium constructions. Mass sports activities are developing prosperously; the sports culture atmosphere made by Ninth National Games is influencing the Guangzhou citizens' sports view and sports behavior; and Ninth National Games has effectively improved the municipal engineering, the transportation, and the environment of Guangzhou, and finally changed it into a completely new city. |