(深圳大学 公共体育部,广东 深圳 518060) 摘要:研究分析了A型行为的理论基础与心理特征,并就太极拳训练对A型行为及心理放松的影响进行了探讨。指出通过运动来改变心理特征是可行的,而研究太极拳运动对A型行为的影响则应给与时间压力的刺激源。 关键词: A型行为;太极拳;情绪;心理放松 中图分类号:G852.11 文献标识码: A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)02-0066-03 |
QIU Fu-bin
( Division of Physical Education,Shengzheng University, Shengzheng 518060,China) Abstract:This review analyzes theoretical foundation and psychological characteristic of humans' type A behavior, and discusses the influence of Taiji Quan training on type A behavior and mental relaxation.The conclusion is that one's psychological characteristics may be changed by sports. And the effect of Taiji on type A behavior depends on the duration. Key words: type A behavior; Taiji Quan; emotion; mental relaxation |