(1聊城师范学院 体育系,山东 聊城 252059;2上海体育学院 武术系,上海200438) 摘要:在世纪之交,以何种姿态把武术带入21世纪,是我们面临的一个重大课题。跨世纪武术发展战略至少应包括3个方面:竞技武术发展战略、传统武术发展战略和健身武术发展战略。而其中进军奥运战略,使武术走向世界,造福全人类,是当务之急。 关键词:武术;发展战略;奥运会;传统武术 中图分类号:G852.01 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)02-0071-02 |
QIN Yan-he1,YANG Xiang-quan2
(Department of Physical Education,Liaocheng Normal College,Liaocheng 252059,China;2.Department of Wushu,Shanghai Insitute of Physical Education,Shanghai 200438,China) Abstract:“Wushu originated in China, yet belongs to the whole world”. At the turn of the century, there is such a great issue facing us as to what we shall bring Wushu into the new age. According to our analysis, there are at least three aspects involved in the across-century developing strategies of Wushu, that is, strategies on atheletic Wushu, traditional Wushu and body-building Wushu separately. While the first of them, also strategies preparing Wushu for entrance into world 01ympics and making contributions for all the human beings should be regarded as the priority for us. Key words: Wushu;developing strategies; olympic games; traditional Wushu |