(韶关学院 体育系,广东 韶关512005) 摘要:通过对接受不同专业训练的成年男子进行递增负荷的6 s连续快速卧推测试,结果显示:不同专项运动员上肢无氧功率各不相同,且各有其专项特点。同时也进一步证明该测试方法的可行性。 关键词:力量;速度;无氧功率 中图分类号:G804.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2002)04-0133-03 |
(Department of Physical Education,Shaoguan College,Shaoguan 512005, China) Abstract: this research deals with speed prone-impetus determination of upper-limbs anearobics of adults sportsmen on different events during the prrosess that their event loads increasing progressively by six-second degrees.the test shows that the upper-limbs anearobics of sportsmen vary with the events they engaged in ,and each event has its specified characteristics in upper-limbs anearobic.The research is also a further indication of the feasibility of the measuring method adopted. |