(顺德市北窖镇林头职中,广东 顺德528311) 摘要:随着我国经济体制改革的不断深入,农村产业结构的不断变化,东南沿海经济较为发达地区的农村正一步步向小城镇方向发展。在这些即将形成的小城镇里,生存的基本条件已经具备,如何将这里的人们引导到美好的生活中来,建设和发展未来小城镇文化是至关重要的。笔者认为,在未来小城镇体育文化建设和发展过程中,应以学校为基地,一切体育行为都以广大公民的体质健康为目的,在体育文化的完善和发展上要大胆引入市场意识,适应市场经济大环境。 关键词:小城镇;体育文化;体育文化建设 中图分类号:G80-05;G812.42 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)02-0020-03 |
(Lintou Vocational School, Shunde 528311,China) Abstract:The coastal villages in east-south regions are evolving town. There, the basic condition for existence has possessed, it is extremely important how to construction. In process of the developing of sports culture in future town, schools should be taken as a base, to strengthen people health should be set at first place and the market consciousness should be drawn into to adapt to the market economy. Key words: town;sports culture;sports culture construction |