(郴州师范专科学校 体育系,湖南 郴州423000) 摘要:现阶段我国大学体育课堂教学隐含着与一般大学教育相悖的4个特点:教程的非衔接性、成绩的非进展性、教育的非系统性和学习的非独立性。针对大学体育课在推行素质教育的过程中,既有易于接受素质教育理论的优势,又有难于实施素质教育的实际情况,提出大学体育教育要以学生的健康为中心,以提高身体素质、增强心理素质、培养社会参与力为3个支撑点,并相应改革教学内容、教学模式和改革考核方式的建议。 关键词:大学体育课;素质教育;教学模式;高等高校 中图分类号:G807.41 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)02-0099-02 |
ZHOU Xin-hua, WANG Xiao-cheng
(Department of Physical Education,Chenzhou Teachers College,Chenzhou 42300,China) Abstract:Compared with normal university education, PE teaching has four different characteristics: bad linking of teaching course, non-system of education, no developing in scores and dependence of learning. On the basis of the contradictory fact in carrying out quality education in PE class, the author suggests that PE in university should center on improvement the students' health, and be propped up by the improving mental and physical health and forming the ability of participating in society. Meanwhile, the teaching content, mode and test way should be reformed relevantly. Key words: physical education class in university; quality education; teaching mode;college and university |