(韶关学院 体育系,广东 韶关 512005) 摘要:奥林匹克思想体系与文化、教育密切结合,促进人的和谐发展,对当代大学生有很强的教育性。对高校开展奥林匹克思想体系教育的目的、作用、内容进行探讨,强调让奥林匹克思想体系进教材,对广大高校体育教师进行奥林匹克思想教育,利用校园文化网络等方式来推广奥林匹克教育。 关键词:高校;奥林匹克思想体系;教育方法 中图分类号:G807.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)02-0076-02 |
WANG Gui-zhong
(Department of Physical Education,Shaoguan Institute, Shao guan 512005,China) Abstract: Syncretising culture and education, Olympics system of thought will promote concordant improvement of people, and have strong instruction on undergraduates of the day. In this paper, the purposes, functions, ways and issues of education with Olympics system of thought in university will be discussed. Key words: university; system of olympics thought; educative methods |