(浙江工业大学 体军部,浙江 杭州310032) 摘要:身体素质和健身素质两者之间在锻炼目的、内容和方法等方面都有很大的区别。大学生的身体素质应主要体现在健身素质方面,以发展有氧代谢能力,增强心脑血管系统机能为主线,尽快扭转大学生健身素质普遍下降的趋势。 关键词:大学生;身体素质;竞技素质;健身素质 中图分类号:G804.49 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)02-0109-03 |
(Division of PE,Zhejiang University of Technology,Hangzhou 310032,China) Abstract:The author considers that body constitution contains two meaning,one is the kind of sports,it strengthens sports' ability for sportsman;the other is the kind of health,its goal is health for people.there is big difference in meaning between the two words.the body constitution of colleges and universities students ought to embody health,and develop aerobic metabolism ability.PE.in colleges and universities ought to improve body constitution of health to colleges and universities students. Key words: colleges students; body constitution; sports; health |