(北京师范大学 体育系,北京 100875) 摘要:通过国家教育部“九五”重点课题“运动处方在中小学体育工作中的应用研究”的实验研究,把运动处方定位成一种教学模式,探讨了有关“运动处方”的诸方面的问题。实验结果显示,运动处方教学模式的优越性就在于它具有较强的科学性、针对性和实效性。对于我国青少年学生体质和体育教学现状的改善等系列问题,运动处方教学模式更具有较强的使用价值。 关键词:运动处方;运动处方教学;运动处方教学模式;体质 中图分类号: G807.01文献标识码: A文章编号: 1006-7116(2001)01-0052-04 |
TIAN Ji-zong,SHI Lei
(Department of Physical Education, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875,China) Abstract:The paper explored some problem related with exercise prescription being a teaching mode by experiment. The result suggested that teaching mode of exercise prescription have strong aim and actual effects in respect of science. The mode is worthwhile to be used to improve the physique of teen-agers and the situation of PE. Key words:exercise prescription;exercise prescription teaching;exercise prescription teaching mode;physique |