(首都体育学院,北京 100191)
摘 要:百年来,在中国共产党的领导下,青少年体育工作不断探索、发展和完善,形成中国特色的青少年体育发展观和青少年体育工作体系。基于文献资料法、历史研究法,对百年青少年体育工作的重点领域、重要事件和关键环节系统梳理,进而借助归纳法和演绎法总结、提炼青少年体育工作的主要经验,揭示其基本规律。研究认为,百年来,在党的领导下,中国青少年体育构筑相对完善的政策法规体系,基本建立起多元化的青少年体育公共服务体系和覆盖广泛的青少年体育赛事体系。党在领导青少年体育工作中,始终以马克思主义青年观、体育观、教育观作为思想指南,将“健康第一”作为青少年体育工作的首要原则,将“多育并重”融入青少年体育人才培养和人格塑造全过程,体现出党的体育思想与青少年体育工作实践的有机统一、工作目标一致性与工作方式方法多样性的有机统一、党的主导地位和青少年主体地位的有机统一。
关 键 词:体育观;青少年体育;体教融合;健康第一
中图分类号:G80 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2025)01-0016-09
Centennial practice and basic laws of the youth sports work under the leadership of the Communist Party of China
CHEN Zuosong
(Capital University of Physical Education and Sports,Beijing 100191,China)
Abstract: Over the past hundred years, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China (CPC), the adolescent sports work has been constantly exploring, developing and improving, forming an adolescent sports development concept with Chinese characteristics and an adolescent sports work system. Based on the methods of literature review and historical research, this study systematically sorts out the key areas, important events, and key links of the century old adolescent sports work, and then uses the methods of induction and deduction to summarize and extract the main experiences of adolescent sports work, revealing its basic laws. Over the past century, under the leadership of the CPC,Chinahas established a relatively complete policy and regulatory system for adolescent sports, and has basically established a diversified public service system for adolescent sports and a wide coverage of adolescent sports events. In leading adolescent sports work, the CPC has always taken the Marxist youth view, sports view, and education view as the ideological guide for adolescent sports work, made the "Health First" as the primary principle of adolescent sports work, and integrated "multiple education and equal emphasis" into the entire process of adolescent sports talent cultivation and personality shaping, which reflects the organic unity of the sports ideology of CPC and adolescent sports work practice, the organic unity of work goals and diversity of work methods, and the organic unity of the leading position of CPC and youth subject status.
Keywords: sports concepts;youth sports;integration of sports and education;health first