


蒲毕文 1,217 

(1.广东金融学院 体育教研部,广东 广州 5105212.华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州 510006)  

要:采用问卷调查、数理统计等方法对普通高校体育课程学生评教有效性进行实证研究。 研究发现,学生评教既是对“教”的评价,也是对“人”的评价,评教分数具有区分度和有效性。 具体而言:(1)“一表多课”学生评教体系造成体育课程评教分数低于其他课程;(2)教学因素影响 评教结果,教得好(教学效果好)的教师评教分数较好;(3)非教学因素“人”影响学生评教分数, 青年教师、讲师、人缘好、颜值好、技能好的女性教师更易获学生好评,即体育课程教师存在差 异;(4)体育课程教学项目评教也存差异,三大球、三小球优于武术、健美操、瑜伽等项目。研究 认为,构建不同课程评教指标、实现评教专业化发展,加强学生评教宣传,助力评教公正公平, 用好评教结果,实现以评促教,从而有效提升普通高校体育课程教学质量。 


中图分类号:G807 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2024)06-0125-08 


Evaluation of teaching or individualsA study on the effectiveness of student  evaluation of teaching in physical education courses of college and university  

PU Biwen1, 2 

(1.Department of Physical EducationGuangdong University of FinanceGuangzhou 510521China2.School of Physical EducationSouth China Normal UniversityGuangzhou 510006China)  

Abstract: This empirical study uses questionnaire surveys and statistical analysis to investigate the effectiveness of  student evaluations in physical education courses at colleges and universities. The findings reveal that student  evaluation of teaching assess both the "teaching" and the "individual”, and evaluation scores demonstrate  differentiation and effectiveness. Specifically: (1) the "one form for multiple courses" evaluation system leads to  lower scores for physical education compared to other courses; (2) teaching factors influence evaluation results,  with teachers who perform well receiving higher scores; (3) non-teaching factors, such as the teacher's youth,  rapport, attractiveness, and skills, impact evaluation scores, showing differences among physical education  instructors; (4) there are discrepancies in evaluation among different physical education projects, with team sports  and racket sports outperforming martial arts, aerobics, and yoga. Thus, it is recommended to develop differentiated  evaluation indicators for various courses, promote specialized development of evaluations, enhance publicity around  student evaluations, ensure fairness and justice in evaluations, utilize evaluation results to improve teaching, and to  ultimately enhance the quality of physical education courses in general universities.  

Keywords: school physical educationstudent evaluation of teachingphysical education coursescollege and  universityeffectiveness
