


刘艳 1 ,周倩 1 ,崔李明 215 

(1.苏州大学 东吴学院,江苏 苏州 2150312.苏州大学 体育学院,江苏 苏州 215021)  

要:“双减”政策推动下,体育课后服务协同治理,能够有效发挥各参与主体的功能及职 能,为学生提供优质的延伸性教育服务,促进各方的协同引导、协同推进和协同发展。运用文献 资料、实地调查等方法,从“双减”政策下体育课后服务协同治理的逻辑内涵入手,针对治理主 体的权责与次位不明晰、标准不完善、支持性资源不足以及各主体协调失衡等协同治理困境,构 建“目标协同—资源协同—行为协同—管理协同—环境协同”的五维协同创新机制。在此基础上, 对区域内体育课后服务多元主体治理协同度进行实证评价,从宏观引导、中观策划和微观操作层 面,提出“制度规范—战略体系—具体举措”三位一体的协同治理优化路径。 


中图分类号:G807 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2024)06-0109-09  

Mechanism and approach of collaborative governance for after-school sports  services under theDouble Reductionpolicy  

LIU Yan1ZHOU Qian1CUI Liming

(1.College of SoochowSoochow UniversitySuzhou 215031China2.School of Physical EducationSoochow UniversitySuzhou 215021China)  

Abstract: The collaborative governance of after-school sports services under the promotion of “Double Reduction”  policy can effectively bring into play the functions and functions of each participating subject, providing students  with high-quality extended education services, and promoting the collaborative guidance, collaborative promotion  and collaborative development of all subjects. Using the methods of literature and field survey, starting from the  logical connotation of collaborative governance for after-school sports services under the “Double Reduction”  policy, the study constructs the five-dimensional collaborative innovation mechanism of “goal coordination-resource  coordination-behaviour coordination-management coordination- environment coordination”, based on the  collaborative governance dilemmas of the governing subjects, such as unclear rights and responsibilities, imperfect  standards, insufficient supportive resources, and imbalanced coordination among the various bodies. On this basis, it  empirically evaluates the degree of synergy in the governance of multiple subjects of after-school sports services in  the region, and puts forward a trinity of synergistic governance optimization approaches of “institutional norms,  strategic system and specific initiatives” from the macro-guidance, meso-planning, and micro-operation levels. 

Keywords: after-school sports servicethe “Double Reduction” policycollaborative governance
