肖年乐 1 ,周道平 28
(1.四川师范大学 体育学院,四川 成都 610101;2.吉首大学 体育科学学院,湖南 吉首 416000)
摘 要:随着旅游数字化变革和在线旅游网站的日益普及,基于 Python 技术挖掘的网络游记 为户外体育旅游研究提供可靠的数据源和开辟新的研究方法,对于进一步理解户外体育旅游业的 发展具有重要意义。综合运用 GIS 空间分析法和统计分析法,研究长江经济带户外体育旅游流时 空特征。研究认为:1)时间上,户外体育旅游流年内变化呈“山岭”型峰林结构分布和“三峰四 谷”的峰林结构变化规律;户外体育旅游流季节性变化特征明显,呈现出不稳定的发展态势;户 外体育旅游流在清明小长假、“五一”假期、“十一”假期客流量大,形成 3 个明显波峰;户外体 育旅游流从周五开始拉升,周六达到峰值,客流量周内幅度变化呈现淡季-旺季客流量>旺季- 淡季客流量>淡季客流量>旺季客流量>整体客流量的变化特征。2)空间上,户外体育旅游流客源地 主要分布在长江下游地区的长三角城市群,呈明显集聚态势;户外体育旅游流目的地主要分布在 户外体育旅游资源丰富的城市,呈“大分散、小集聚”的空间分布特征;户外体育旅游流的辐射 中心为客流流动量大、流动频次高的成都市和上海市等城市节点,具体表现出地理邻近效应显著、 经济发达城市与户外体育旅游资源丰富的城市之间流动频繁等特征。
关 键 词:户外体育旅游流;网络游记;旅游大数据;长江经济带;时空特征
中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2024)06-0056-08
Research on spatial and temporal characteristics of outdoor sports tourism flow in the Yangtze River Economic Belt based on the network data mining
XIAO Nianle1,ZHOU Daoping2
(1.School of Physical Education,Sichuan Normal University,Chengdu 610101,China; 2.School of Physical Education,Jishou University,Jishou 416000,China)
Abstract: With the digital transformation of tourism and the increasing popularity of online travel websites, online travel notes mining based on Python technology provide reliable data sources and open up new research methods for outdoor sports tourism research, which is of great significance for further understanding the development of outdoor sports tourism. This study comprehensively utilizes GIS spatial analysis and statistical analysis methods to investigate the temporal and spatial characteristics of outdoor sports tourism flows in the Yangtze River Economic Belt. The findings are as follows: 1) in terms of time, the annual variation of outdoor sports tourism flows exhibits a "mountain range"-like peak-forest structure distribution and a "three peaks and four troughs" peak-forest structural variation pattern. The seasonal variation characteristics of outdoor sports tourism flows are pronounced, indicating an unstable development trend. Significant peaks in outdoor sports tourism flows occur during the Qingming Festival holiday, the May Day holiday, and the National Day holiday, forming three distinct peaks. The outdoor sports tourism flows begin to increase from Friday, reaching a peak on Saturday, with weekly fluctuations showing a pattern of off-season to peak-season traffic > peak-season to off-season traffic > off-season traffic > peak-season traffic > overall traffic. 2) In terms of space, the origins of outdoor sports tourism flows are mainly distributed in the Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River, showing a clear trend of agglomeration. The destinations of outdoor sports tourism flows are primarily located in cities with abundant outdoor sports tourism resources, exhibiting a spatial distribution characteristic of "large dispersion and small agglomeration." The radiation centers of outdoor sports tourism flows are urban nodes such as Chengdu and Shanghai, which have high volumes and frequencies of tourist flows. And specifically, these centers demonstrate notable geographical proximity effects and frequent flows between economically developed cities and cities rich in outdoor sports tourism resources.
Keywords: outdoor sports tourism flow;online travel notes;big data of tourism;Yangtze River Economic Belt; spatial and temporal characteristics