
基于大概念的体育与健康跨学科主题教学: 逻辑证成、系统设计与推进策略



(华东师范大学 体育与健康学院,上海 200241)  

要:针对体育与健康跨学科主题教学中存在的教学主题常识化、教学目标虚无化、教学 内容拼盘化和教学评价空心化等问题,提出融入大概念的设计思路。研究认为,大概念具有核心 性、持久性、关联性和迁移性的特征,可以为跨学科主题教学设计的规划提供整体化视角、为跨 学科主题教学内容的架构提供结构化视角、为跨学科主题教学流程的推进提供深度化视角。在具 体的设计层面,应当以大概念为主线,通过筛选、外显、活化、建构和检验大概念,完成教学主 题、教学目标、教学内容、教学实施和教学评价的设计。推进的主要策略:理解大概念的内涵特 质,助力体育跨学科深度融合;发挥大概念的纲领作用,构建系统的跨学科设计模式。 


中图分类号:G807 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2024)06-0077-10  

Interdisciplinary thematic teaching in physical education and health based on  big idea: Logical evidence, systematic design, and promotion strategy  

JIANG JiajunYIN Zhihua  

(College of Physical Education and HealthEast China Normal UniversityShanghai 200241China)  

Abstract: In response to the problems of common sense teaching theme, nullification of teaching objectives,  plattering of teaching content and hollowing out of teaching evaluation that exist in the interdisciplinary thematic  teaching of physical education and health, the design idea of incorporating big idea has been proposed. It is found  that the big idea has the following characteristics of core, persistence, relevance and migration, which can provide a  holistic perspective for the planning of interdisciplinary thematic teaching design, a structured perspective for the  architecture of interdisciplinary thematic teaching content, and an in-depth perspective for the advancement of  interdisciplinary thematic teaching process. At the specific design level, the design of teaching theme, teaching  objectives, teaching content, teaching implementation and teaching evaluation should be completed by screening,  externalizing, revitalizing, constructing and testing the big idea. The promotion strategy may contain that  understanding the connotative qualities of the big idea to help the deep interdisciplinary integration of physical  education; playing the role of the program of the big idea to build a systematic interdisciplinary design model.

Keywords: school physical educationphysical education and health curriculuminterdisciplinary thematic  teachingthe big idea
