陈梦一 1 ,祝大鹏 1,210
(1.武汉体育学院 心理学系,湖北 武汉 430079; 2.武汉体育学院 运动训练监控湖北省重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430079)
摘 要:采用三因素混合实验设计,探究权力感影响体育专业大学生道德认知的神经机制。 结果显示:(1)启动不同权力感组对不同道德事件的反应时差异不显著。(2)启动高权力感组中,体 育情境比一般情境引起更强的皮层活动;启动低权力感组中,反社会行为图片比亲社会行为图片 引起更强的皮层活动。在 4 类道德事件中均发现启动高权力感组在左侧 DLPFC 的相对显著激活; 一般情境下发现启动高权力感组在左侧 OFC 的相对显著激活,而体育情境事件下的激活差异不 大。研究表明,左侧 DLPFC 是权力感影响体育专业大学生道德认知的关键脑区;左侧 OFC 则反 映权力感对道德认知影响的情境依赖性。启动高权力感大学生的认知过程主要表现为对情绪反应 的抑制,以及基于规则的理性推理;启动低权力感大学生则表现为对道德事件的认知控制反应, 以及基于结果的非理性推理。
关 键 词:体育心理学;道德认知;权力感;体育专业大学生;近红外脑功能成像技术
中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2024)06-0071-06
The influence on sense of power on moral cognition of college students majoring in sports: Evidence from fNIRS
CHEN Mengyi1,ZHU Dapeng1,2
(1.School of Psychology,Wuhan Sports University,Wuhan 430079,China; 2.Hubei Exercise Training and Monitoring Key Laboratory,Wuhan Sports University,Wuhan 430079,China)
Abstract: The three-factor hybrid experimental design was used to explore the difference and brain mechanism of the influence of sense of power on the moral cognition of college students majoring in sports. The results showed that: (1) There was no significant difference between two groups in the response to moral behavior events. (2) In the high sense of power group, the sports situation induced stronger cortical activity, and in the low sense of power group, antisocial behavior images induced stronger cortical activity. A relatively significant activation was found in the left DLPFC under different behavioral events, and a relatively significant activation was found in the left OFC for moral cognitive judgment of general situational events, but there was no significant difference in the activation of the sports situational events. Therefore, the study revealed that the left DLPFC is the key brain area in which the sense of power affects the moral cognition of sports majors, and the left OFC reflects the situational dependence of the influence of sense of power on moral cognition. The cognitive process of high sense of power college students is characterized by inhibition of emotional response and rule-based rational reasoning, and then the cognitive process of initiating low sense of power is manifested as cognitive control response to moral events and outcome-based irrational reasoning.
Keywords: sports psychology;moral cognition;sense of power;college students majoring in sports;fNIRS