刘美廷 1,2,张连成 19
(1.天津体育学院 国家体育总局竞技运动心理与生理调控重点实验室,天津 301617; 2.天津海运职业学院 心理健康教育中心,天津 300350)
摘 要:基于双过程理论剖析不同阶段锻炼行为的影响因素,发现双过程理论的情感过程和 理性过程分别在锻炼的不同阶段对锻炼行为促进有着各自的优势与不足。在锻炼启动阶段,情感 过程的启动速度快,无需认知资源,但启动效果不稳定,要注意消极情绪对启动效果的干扰,而 理性过程对锻炼的启动速度慢,需要认知资源,但可以管理行为目标、调控锻炼行为,进而弥补 消极情绪干扰与启动效果不稳定的不足。在锻炼维持阶段,情感过程主要以内隐态度的形式快速 且内隐地影响锻炼行为,但影响效果不稳定,所以在该阶段理性过程更为重要,同时其也会占用 认知资源,带来执行压力,而情感过程与理性过程只有相互作用、双管齐下才能促进锻炼行为, 最终形成锻炼习惯。研究认为,未来研究方向包括拓宽双过程理论在锻炼促进领域的研究对象, 探索双过程理论对锻炼促进的特色干预方法,深化双过程理论与其他理论模型的整合。
关 键 词:运动心理学;锻炼行为促进;锻炼习惯;双过程理论
中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2024)06-0064-07
Work both ways: Reflection of exercise behavior promotion on dual-process theory
LIU Meiting1, 2,ZHANG Liancheng1
(1.Key Laboratory of Competitive Sport Psychological and Physiological Regulation,General Administration of Sport,Tianjin University of Sport,Tianjin 301617,China;2.Mental Health Center,Tianjin Maritime College, Tianjin 300350,China)
Abstract: The influencing factors in different stages of exercise behaviors are analyzed based on dual-process theory, and the study finds that either the affective process or reflective process of the dual process theory has advantages and disadvantages to promote exercise in different stages of exercise. During the stage of initiation of exercise, the affective process works quickly without any cognitive resources, but the effect of initiation is unstable, and it is necessary to pay attention to the interference of negative emotions. Compared to the affective process, the reflective process works slowly with cognitive resources, but it can prevent the unstable initiation and the interference of negative emotions through managing the goals of behavior and regulating exercise behavior. During the stage of exercise maintenance, affective process affects the exercise behavior in form of implicit attitude quickly and implicitly, regarding of the effect is unstable. Although the reflective process plays a very vital role in the maintenance of exercise, it also needs a lot of cognitive resources and also occurs pressure, and only under the affective process and reflective process working together can exercise habits be promoted. The study holds that in the future research, expanding the research field of the dual-process theory in exercise promotion, exploring unique interventions of the dual-process theory on exercise promotion, and deepening the integration of the dual-process theory with other theoretical models will be necessary. Keywords: sports psychology;exercise behavior promotion;exercise habit;dual-process theory