


徐晶妮 1 ,訾卫东 2 ,王海云 3

(1.广东体育职业技术学院,广东 广州 5106632.潮州技师学院,广东 潮州 5210413.广州商学院 体育学院,广东 广州 511363)  

要:新型举国体制是我国竞技体育实现跨越式发展的根本动力,也是建设体育强国的制 度保障。竞技体育新型举国体制作为传统举国体制的转型建构,可以更好地实现有为政府与有效 市场有机结合,发挥市场经济条件下集中力量办大事的新机制优势。竞技体育新型举国体制相比 传统举国体制,在指导理论、历史使命、参与主体、目标对象等方面呈现新特征、新变化。面对 体育强国建设新局面,建立和完善新型举国体制需要坚持和加强党的领导与政府主导,构建政府 主导下的多元主体协同运行机制,注重国家利益、社会需求与个人诉求的统合。 


中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2024)06-0040-05  

Contemporary transformation and practical approach of national system for  Chinese competitive sports 

 XU Jingni1ZI Weidong2WANG Haiyun

(1.Guangdong Vocational Institute of SportGuangzhou 510663China2.Chaozhou Technician CollegeChaozhou  521041China3.School of Physical EducationGuangzhou College of CommerceGuangzhou 511363China) 

Abstract: As the institutional guarantee for building a leading sporting nation, the new national system is the  fundamental driving force for my country's competitive sports to achieve leapfrog development. As a transformation  and construction of the traditional national system, the new national system of competitive sports can better realize  the organic combination of an effective government and an effective market, and give play to the advantages of the  new mechanism of concentrating forces to do major things under market economy conditions. Compared with the  traditional national system, the new national system of competitive sports presents new characteristics and changes  in guiding theory, historical mission, participating subjects, and target objects. Facing the new situation of building a  leading sporting nation, and the process of establishing and improving the new national system, it is necessary to  carry out and strengthen the leadership of the Party and the government, giving full play to the advantages of the  "national mechanism", building a multi-subject collaborative operation mechanism under the leadership of the  government, and also paying attention to the integration of national interests, social needs, and personal demands. 

 Keywords: competitive sportsnew national systemtraditional national systemthe leading sporting nation
