蒋德龙 1 ,蒋愿望 2 ,刘丽萍 35
(1.衡阳师范学院 体育科学学院,湖南 衡阳 421007;2.鄂尔多斯应用技术学院 教务处, 内蒙古 鄂尔多斯 017000;3.衡阳师范学院 教育科学学院,湖南 衡阳 421007)
摘 要:采用文献考古、历史钩沉与历史人类学等方法,以新发现的古籍材料明万历重臣官 应震《请开将材科疏》流变考为线索,与武术史学界运用顾颉刚“层累地造成的中国古史”(层累 说)研究方法互补,提出“迭代地剥落与衍生武术史”(剥落说),形成武术史研究新的方法体系。 研究认为剥落说包括 3 个方面:一是史实随时剥落,历史时期越往后武术史实记录越少,有换代 的转述性剥落和改朝的政治性剥落;二是错讹误用与时俱增,历史时期越往后武术史实错讹误用 越多;三是史实不时生新,武术史不时以另一种形式生成与更新。剥落说为武术史研究提供一种 视角,与层累说相辅相成,形成“逆向层累、单辞只义、逆推顺述”武术史研究方法体系。
关 键 词:武术史;层累说;剥落说;《请开将材科疏》
中图分类号:G852 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2024)06-0033-07
The research method on the history of martial arts with reverse layering, single word meaning, and reverse deduction and sequential description from the perspective of peeling
——Taking Guan Yingzhen's "please execute the materials section commentary" as a clue for theological evolution research
JIANG Delong1,JIANG Yuanwang2,LIU Liping3
(1.School of Physical Education,Hengyang Normal University,Hengyang 421007,China; 2.Academic Affairs Office,Ordos Institute of Applied Technology,Ordos 017000,China; 3.School of Education Science,Hengyang Normal University,Hengyang 421007,China)
Abstract: By the methods of literature archaeology, historical investigation, and historical anthropology, and taking the newly discovered ancient materials of Ming Wanli's important minister Guan Yingzhen's "please execute the materials section commentary" as a clue to complement the research method of Gu Jiegang's "the ancient Chinese history created layer upon laye" (layered theory) in the field of martial arts history, the study proposes the "iterative peeling and derivation of martial arts history" (peeling theory), and also forms a new methodological system for the study of martial arts history. The conclusion is that the peeling theory includes three aspects: firstly, historical facts can be peeled off at any time, and the later the historical period, the fewer records of martial arts historical facts, and there are narrative peeling and political peeling of dynastic changes; secondly, wrong mistakes and misuse of martial arts historical facts increase with time, with more errors and misuse occurring in later historical periods; thirdly, historical facts are constantly updated, and the history of martial arts in different periods is constantly generated and updated in another form. The peeling theory provides a perspective for the study of martial arts history, which complements the layering theory, and then forms a methodological system of "reverse layering, single word meaning, reverse deduction and sequential description" for the study of martial arts history.
Keywords: history of martial arts;layered theory;peeling theory;please execute the materials section commentary