


(江南大学 设计学院,江苏 无锡 214122)  

要:中国岩画所见的原始体育形态是最为古老的肢体运动,也是探索民族体育源头的重 要考古材料。运用图像学、体育人类学、体育学、民族学等方法探究岩画中的原始体育形态反映 出的民族属性。研究认为,民族体育对原始身体教育形态、娱乐竞技形态、仪式化体育形态的体 式、技术和形式进行承袭;岩画中原始体育形态所展现的丰富的技术体系、表演性的动作以及集 体的原始赛会实现向民族体育的演进;原始体育因社会功能扩展、族群文化认同与个人需求升级 的三重因素完成民族性变迁;我国民族体育的未来发展,应坚守原始体育在传承与交流中体、技、 形的一贯与连续路径,彰显民族色彩。


中图分类号:G852 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2024)06-0025-08  

Polymorphic evolution of body, skills, and forms: A study on the national turn of  primitive sports patterns in Chinese rock paintings 

 WANG ChenTONG Yongsheng 

 (School of DesignJiangnan UniversityWuxi 214122China)  

Abstract: The primitive sports forms seen in Chinese rock paintings are the most ancient physical sports, and they  are also the important archaeological materials for exploring the origin of national sports. Using the methods of  iconography, sports anthropology, kinesiology, and ethnology to explore the national attributes reflected in the  primitive sports forms in rock paintings. The study finds that national sports inherited the body style, technique and  form of the primitive physical education form, recreational and athletic form, and ritualised sports forms,  respectively. The rich technical systems, performative movements, and collective primitive games shown in the rock  paintings of primitive sports forms have achieved the evolution to national sports. The primitive sports had  completed the change of ethnicity due to the triple factors of social function expansion, cultural identity of the  ethnic group, and personal needs upgrading. Given those mentioned above, the future development of national  sports in China should adhere to the usual and continuous path of body, skills, and forms in the inheritance and  exchange of primitive sports, and then highlighting the national colors. 

Keywords: Chinese rock paintingsprimitive sports patternsnational sportssports culture

