
“逆全球化”背景下中国参与全球体育文化治理的 方向、机制、路径



(山东大学 体育学院,山东 济南 250061)  

要:“逆全球化”现象的抬头无疑会对全球体育文化治理实践造成伤害,甚至瓦解现有成 果。人类命运共同体理念作为指导中国参与全球治理的重要方案,能够有效促进全球体育文化间 的交流互鉴、合作共赢与和平发展。通过对全球体育文化治理当代变革问题的检视,发现全球体 育文化在传播、交流和管理方面分别存在“功利主义盛行,全球利益‘单向化’”“文化霸权当道, 奥运特色‘一元化’”“资本权力扩张,竞技观念‘扭曲化’”等问题。研究认为在“逆全球化”背 景下中国应遵循人类命运共同体理念的指引,将“文化嵌入”“价值重构”和“淡化资本”作为当 前的突破方向,立足多元包容的交流机制、公平合理的发展援助机制和开放创新的体育科技合作 机制,以建立多元协同的治理联盟、制定多元融合的治理标准及搭建多元参与的治理场域 3 条路 径有效参与全球体育文化治理。 


中图分类号:G80-05 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2024)06-0017-08  

The direction, mechanism, and path of China's participation in global sports  culture governance under the background of "Anti-globalization" 

ZHOU DeqiaoCUI LiliSUN JinhaiLIU Donglei 

 (School of Physical EducationShandong UniversityJinan 250061China) 

 Abstract: The rise of the "anti-globalization" phenomenon will undoubtedly cause harm to the global governance  pattern of sports culture, and even disrupt the existing achievements. The concept of a community with a shared  future for mankind, as an important plan to guide China's participation in global governance, could effectively  promote exchanges, mutual learning, cooperation, and peaceful development among global sports cultures. Through  the examination of contemporary changes in global sports culture governance, it is found that there are problems in  the dissemination, exchange, and management of global sports culture, such as the prevalence of utilitarianism, the  "one-way" global interests, the dominance of cultural hegemony, the "unification" of Olympic characteristics, the  expansion of capital power, and the "distortion" of competitive concepts. The research suggests that in the context of  "anti-globalization", China should follow the guidance of the concept of a community with a shared future for  mankind, and taking "cultural embedding", "value reconstruction", and "dilution of capital" as the current  breakthrough direction. Based on a diverse and inclusive communication mechanism, a fair and reasonable  development assistance mechanism, and an open and innovative sports technology cooperation mechanism, China  should effectively participate in global sports culture governance through three paths: establishing a diverse and  collaborative governance alliance, formulating governance standards for diverse and integrated governance, and also  building a governance field for diverse participation.

Keywords: sports cultureculture governanceanti-globalizationa community with a shared future of mankind
